Jessica began riding at the young age of 7. She immediately fell in love with the sport, and knew it would be her lifelong passion. She started out competing locally on the MHJA circuit with her pony, where they earned numerous year-end championships up through the Large Pony Hunter division. Her parents then purchased her a OTTB at the age of 12. She worked hard training him from the ground up into being a very competitive junior hunter on the A circuit.

To further advance her riding and horsemanship skills, she attended The University of Findlay and earned a Bachelor’s degree in English Equestrian Studies and Equine Business Management. While there, she was captain of the Findlay’s IHSA team and qualified for Nationals individually, and as part of the team. She also gained invaluable riding skills learning to ride all types of horses; from breaking out colts to riding Grand Prix and International Derby horses.

In 2013, shortly after graduation, Jessica began working at HCF. She has since achieved top successes and numerous championships competing on everything from green horses, up to international derby and prix horses under Nicole. Jessica loves using her knowledge and experience to help clients and horses reach their top goals.